黃與藍的秋色滿天 – 阿奇Alchi

趁著領隊導遊準備中餐的空檔, 我撈起相機在小鎮裡開始亂逛, 這位老哥, 看到我舉起相機, 竟然給了我一個吐舌頭的靦腆微笑, 卡哇伊~~
ps. 中餐吃台式大鍋麵, 湯底是用羊肉燉煮的鮮湯, 加入番茄與波菜, 好吃的不得了
這個寧靜的小小的村落, 因我們的到達而喧鬧起來, 但其實聽說在2週以前, 整個地方滿滿的都是歐美來附近hikking的旅人, 還有各種小販與路邊攤, 走起路來人擠人, 可以媲美台北東區的繁雜
我們非常幸運的享有靜謐安寧, 蕭瑟的寒風(走在陽光下就稍微溫暖一點)與滿眼鮮豔的黃色與藍色, 滿滿的秋色讓每個人都從心底發出讚嘆
咻咻…讓路啊! 算了, 我繞旁邊走就是, 不要來頂我啊(慘叫)….
話說原本打算帶F80(底片機)+60mm, 臨出門改變心意抓了D80(數位機)+18-200mm, 還好改帶數位+長焦段的旅遊鏡, 因為不僅讓我抓到一堆很讚的鏡頭, 這次還狂拍了上千張照片, 我根本沒那麼多底片可用(只帶5捲)……
背著孫子的老婆婆, 我們一群人發瘋了似的圍著拼命拍, 老婆婆不好意思的拼命笑…..
下午最重要的行程是步行參觀阿奇廟群Alchi Monastery, 可惜室內不准拍照, 裡面有我所見過極精緻的小工筆壁畫, 非常非常非常令人讚嘆的美麗
部分被破壞的壁畫原本印度政府有派人來修繕, 但因現在已經完全沒有人能畫的出來原畫的精緻與神韻, 反而變成另一種破壞, 最後只好不了了之
在整個群廟當中, 其中有一個3層樓的寺廟 Sumtsek Temple 是11世紀時西藏喇嘛仁欽藏波 Rinchen Zangpo ,因發現此地頗有靈氣,於是建造了這座寺廟
Alchi Monastery
Around 67 km from Leh, a small village by the name of Alchi is home to one of the oldest monasteries in Ladakh region. Standing on the banks of river Indus, the monastery, Alchi Monastery, is also known by the name of Alchi Choskhor. Though traditionally, the credit for the construction of the monastery goes to the great translator Rinchen Zangpo (958-1055), the oldest monuments preserved here date back to the middle of the 12th century. The significance of the monastery also lies in the fact that it is the only one that has been built on a flat ground.
The monastery complex houses two main temples – Alchi Du-khang and the Sum-tsek. Apart from these, other smaller structures of the monastery complex include The Temple of Manjushri, Lotsawa Lha-khang, Lha-khang Soma and 3 Ka-ka-ni (entrance) chortens.
Today, the monastery is managed by monks of Likir Monastery. For tourists visiting the monastery complex, it is essential to carry a flashlight since there is no electricty inside. Also, photography is prohibited inside the monastery.
來源資料 http://www.buddhism-india.com/buddhist-monasteries-india/jammu-kashmir-buddhist-monasteries.html
這是我從買的post card翻拍的, 現場看的震撼力超大, 除了大型的佛像雕塑, 在周圍牆壁及佛像身上約5cm平方的小方格中, 不到3cm高的小人, 動作表情栩栩如生, 連眼神都畫出來了
Alchi – A Priceless Cittamani (明明不准照相的….不過也拍的不好, 僅供參考就是)
這位大姐, 我不是去巴基斯坦, 而是去印度(印屬喀什米爾)….連邊境都離很遠, 你是去尼泊爾玩太high玩昏頭了嗎?
其實我也自覺最近有老化現象, 好想”退休”